Thursday 4 October 2018

Reduce Blood Sugar

I believe if you have found yourself reading this you either have di@betes or asking on behalf of someone. First of all against popular opinions or believe that di@betes is a situation of having excess Sugar or Glucose level in the body Di@betes in actually related to having both deficiency of sugar and also having excess sugar in the body system. The body's homeostatic mechanism keeps blood glucose levels within a narrow range. It is composed of several interacting systems, of which hormone regulation is the most important.

Di@betes can also be called the silent killer because most of the time the symptoms are always subtle with frequent urinating and drinking water a lot with many people will see as normal sometimes tingling feets and hands, blurry vision, weight loss and the main one of all wounds that won’t heal(which is the most noticeable one of all). Di@betes is a chronic disease caused by inherited and/or acquired deficiency in production of insul1n by the pancreas, or by the ineffectiveness of the insul1n produced. Such a deficiency results in increased concentrations of glucose in the blood, which in turn damage many of the body's systems, in particular the blood vessels and nerves.

There are two principle forms of di@betes:

·         Type 1 di@betes (formerly known as insul1n-dependent) in which the pancreas fails to produce the insul1n which is essential for survival. In this situation the body Immune system see its own cells ans foreign agents and destroy them and since insul1n are no more produced injuries will seize to heal from now on. This form develops most frequently in children and adolescents, but is being increasingly noted later in life.

    Type 2 di@betes (formerly named non-insul1n-dependent) which results from the body's inability to respond properly to the action of insul1n produced by the pancreas. Type 2 di@betes is much more common and accounts for around 90% of all di@betes cases worldwide. It occurs most frequently in adults, but is being noted increasingly in adolescents as well. 

My name is Shoge Iseoluwa. I’m from Ogun State Nigeria. I started developing this bump(which i later discovered was cancerous) on my lips some years back now and I wanted to have it removed but because I wasn't very comfortable financially due to funding myself through masters degree with petty jobs at 29 after trying to get a job to no avail with just the B.A. I just had to live with my bump which many people made jest of me for even in school and I planned to get removed as soon as I got a better paying job that at least can pay for surgery no matter how small I will do it first. 

Then in February 2010 I started working with Daar Communications since I had always planned to get it removed I visited a general hospital in Ikorodu then they started doing come today come tomorrow and since I was desperate I visited a private hospital (name withheld) and I got it operated and I really loved it. Now I noticed it started developing gradually and now in a year its bigger and better. Now I got to know the lumps were not properly removed so in 2012 I went back to the general hospital to start making moves on how to get it properly removed. But later in the year I started having some strange feelings more importantly one that happened when I was visiting someone and I urinated close to some stones by the time I was leaving about 15mins later I met a lot of flies on the stones I became scared I didn’t want to believe make unnecessary conclusions.

I visited the hospital where my fear was confirmed to be true I was diagnosed of di@betes and I started reading many articles online to know more about it and how it can be cured then I noticed that because there’s a good chance the diabetes won’t lets cuts heal and I read somewhere else that it might be risky for people that are diabetic to be operated. To cut the story short, it got really confusing because I have two big problems my bigger lips bump and di@betics that won’t allow me get it removed. Now for me to remove the bumps I had to go through di@betes which I was ready to do because the lips was too pronounced even apart from the special effects I’m getting from having di@betes I’m almost going through depression because of these problems and my blood pressure was already at about 159/95.

So after managing di@betes for a long while in 2016, a friend at my job whose father was going through the same introduced me to a supplement which I’m about to introduce to you now. Even though I’ve spent a lot of money its not something I can give up on because being diabetic is something I will describe as crazy it kills slowly in my experience of having it. My now having lived with it for years I knew that the lips bumps is the least of my problems because the di@betes was already affecting my job critically. As I was saying a friend told me about this Chinese supplement imported for his dad and how it help his dad reduce his blood sugar drastically and he was able to be cured of di@betes permanently . Well I’m desperate "what’s not to try" I thought to myself.  Now after using this supplement continuously for the next 3weeks the blurry vision I used to have reduced very drastically well I started having faith in it gradually and I can tell you by God’s Grace I’ve been able to both cure my di@betes and removed my bump permanently (which got me free from any risks of cancer). 

  Now even as rough the patches I went through were in the long run at least i can give God all the Glory today. Just the 1 risk did it for me even at a more expensive rate than what you’d be getting on this page because it was imported and even took a lot of time. People online can tell lies i understand they can sweet mouth i understand there are internet scammers i know that too but any successful person in anything took risks too one way or another and remember even not taking the risk will be more costlier.
That is why I am introducing this Supplement to you today for you to benefit from what I too have benefited from a friend I’m quite comfortable right now I don’t really need any money or gain from it. The Supplement is from an American company called forever living products and I can assure you it reaaaaaally works with absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS.

There has been few testimonies of people that have used it already here:
Testimony 1,  “I wish I can express my heart, Just a whole lot of thanks for introducing me to this Miracle Capsule. It worked magic for my husband who suffers for diabetes for years, and all I can say is that I am now a total believer in anything natural. God bless!”  Mrs. Ipitekumoh Port Harcourt.

Testimony 2, I thought my Doctor was helping before I found  this Capsule, My Dr told me that my blood sugar is beyond remedies except I leave work for a while and see what happens but thank God I gave a try, My diabetics just confirmed totally healed.
I can’t thank you enough for this great discovery. Mr. Chime, Enugu

Testimony 3: “I want to recommend this propolis for anyone that wants to free themselves from Diabetics. I tried just about every treatment out there, but it only got more expensive and potentially dangerous on the long run. Fortunately, after giving a try to this modest product, my very high Blood Sugar symptoms vanished, and it’s been over 5 months that it has not returned” I bought for my mum I hope to hear good news soon. Mallam Isa Lawali. Kaduna state.

Testimony 4: My Wife nearly stopped me from purchasing this supplement due to high cost and she didn’t trust if you were real but I took the risk, today I am happy I need she even recommending to people in her office. Oga Gbenga Na God go bless you for sharing this with us.  Hope Omale, Kogi State.

And this Supplement is for those that think it is finished after they discovered they are di@betic...this is just a way of showing that when there's life there's hope and whatever we do living on earth are risks so i implore you to take this simple risk today and you're good to go to have your testimonies posted.

Don’t  Just  Treat  Di@betes- Stop  It!



The proven, natural way to completely reverse Type 2 di@betes and drastically improve Type 1 di@betes symptoms!

What’s even more important than what you get is, you’ll:
  • Never have to refer to yourself as a “di@betic” ever again!
  • Toss your diabetes meds out the window-with your doctor’s blessing because you won’t need them anymore
  • Eat the foods you love –and still burn fat
  • Watch your blood sugars fall into place like a stack of dominos!
  • Stop worrying about di@betic complications like nerve problems (lost toes is too common for di@betics), eyesight problems, and heart attacks.

Each pack of FULL DI@BETES REVERSAL THERAPY contains the following powerful supplements:


The Forever Aloe Vera Gel contains  more than 200 Compounds which helps to Detoxify the Body System. Aloe Vera Juice helps to improve and stabilize blood glucose level and also helps in balancing the immune system and provides fast healing of leg wounds and ulcers which are also complications of Di@betes


     A simple probiotic pill that 'rewires' the body could cure both types of diabetes, scientists claim. The new drug, which contains live bacteria from the human gut, has been shown to drastically lower blood sugar levels.


    Garlic and thyme, the two powerful antioxidants found in Forever Garlic-Thyme®, combine to create a great tool in maintaining good health. When garlic is cut or crushed, enzymes react to produce a powerful immune-enhancing agent. Studies showed that garlic helps decrease triglycerides and blood cholesterol levels and increases the levels of high density lipo-protein in your body. It helps significantly against atherosclerosis.



    2 Bottles of Aloe Vera Gel

    1 PACK of Active Probiotics

    1 FREE Diabetes Wellness E-book

    1 FREE Garlic thyme



    You'll also get Our "Unique Dosage Plan" That Makes These Supplements Work Effectively:

    The major use of this supplement is to reduce blood sugar nothing more nothing less. but under this are many other advantages that can be enjoyed too which include

    • Improve and perfect your blood Sugar so you wont need to be scared of the silent killer.
    • It Cures hypertension
    • it replaces worn out tissues where needed
    • Its perfect of aged people to avoid stroke
    • it allows wounds begin its healing process
    • it Reduces the Effects of Stroke
    • It Kills colon cancer cells
    • anti-fatigue
    •  headache
    • Save THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of Naira. I can’t stress enough how expensive little cures are if you continue buying the consistently, imagine how much money you’d have to spend on things like vacations and luxuries over the 40-50 years you have to KEEP buying them!






    By SMS

    To order for "DIABETES REVERSAL THERAPY", text preferred combination in the following formats:
    Your Name:
    Your Delivery Address:

    Your Phone Line(s):

    Your Choice Date Of Delivery:

    Email address (for your ebook):






    Sincerely, Your Friend and Coach,


    |Health Educator, Author & Researcher|


    CALL: 08107958352 

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